Curriculum vitae:

Born on January 29, 1941 in Rostock,

Married with Dr. Michèle Schmiegelow, two sons

Studies of Law at the Universities of Marburg, Geneva and Hamburg

Referendar (Junior Barrister) at the Hanseatic Court of Appeal, Hamburg

Graduate Studies of Economics and Public Administration at the Ecole Nationale d'Administration in Paris

Graduate Studies of Law, Politics and Economics at the University of Virginia

German Foreign Service

Master of Laws (LL.M.), University of Virginia

Japanese Language Course at the University of Bonn

First Secretary (Economic) at the German Embassy in Tokyo

First Secretary (Press and Culture) at the Embassy in Colombo

Legal Counsel, Personnel Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bonn

Counselor (Political) at the Embassy in Washington

Deputy Head, Central American Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bonn

Co-founder and President, Global Economic Strategy Center a.s.b.l. in Blanmont, Belgium

Head of the Policy Planning Staff of the President of the Federal Republic of Germany

Head of the Foreign Policy Bureau of the Office of the President of the Federal Republic of Germany

2001-June 2006:
German Ambassador to Japan

Since Sept. 2006:
Founding Partner, Schmiegelow Partner GbR



1. Aussenwirtschaftpolitik: merkantilistisch, liberal oder funktionell?
(Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde, 1981), 125 p.
2. Strategic Pragmatism: Japanese Lessons in the Use of Economic Theory
(New York: Praeger, 1989), 212 p., with Michèle Schmiegelow
3. Nihon no Kyokun: Senryakuteki Puragumatizumu no Seiko
(Tokyo: Toyo Keizai, 1991), with Michèle Schmiegelow, extended edition in Japanese of Strategic Pragmatism translated by Koei Naruzawa and Hiroshi Shimbo
4. Roman Herzog: Preventing the Clash of Civilizations, A Peace Strategy for the 21st Century
Editor, with Comments by Amitai Etzioni, Hans Küng, Bassam Tibi, and Masakazu Yamazaki (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1999)
5. Institutional Competition between Common Law and Civil Law: Theory and Policy
Editor, with Michèle Schmiegelow (Dordrecht, Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer, 2014)


1. "The New Mercantilism in International Relations: The Case of France's External Monetary Policy"
International Organization Vol 29, N° 2 (Spring 1975), pp.367-91, with Michèle Schmiegelow.
2. "Japan's Exchange Rate Policy: Policy Targets, Non-Policy Variables, and Discretionary Adjustment"
in Michèle Schmiegelow (ed.), Japan's Response to Crisis and Change in the World Economy (Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 1986), pp. 28-44.
3. "Globale Dimensionen der Beziehung USA-Japan"
Aussenpolitik Vol 37, Nr.3 (1986), pp. 222-38.
4. "Deng's Modernization and the Development Experience of the ROC: Two Cases of the Same Theory?"
in King-Yuh Chang (ed.), Ideology and Politics in Twentieth Century China (Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University,1988), pp.150-174, with Michèle Schmiegelow.
5. "Japans Währungspolitik: politische Zielsetzungen, autonome Variablen und pragmatische Anpassung"
in Michèle Schmiegelow (ed.), Japans Antwort auf Krisen und Wandel in der Weltwirtschaft, (Hamburg: McGraw-Hill Europe, 1989) pp.45-60.
6. "Idealismus und Realismus in der amerikanischen Außenpolitik"
Aussenpolitik, Vol 40 Nr.1 (January 1989), pp. 16-31.
7. "Revisionists Aren't Looking Beneath the Surface"
International Herald Tribune, January 31, 1990, with Michèle Schmiegelow.
8. "Economics: The Lesson from Japan"
International Herald Tribune, February 1, 1990, with Michèle Schmiegelow.
9. "Union de l'Allemagne: chance pour l'Europe"
L'Express, 29 mars 1990, with Michèle Schmiegelow.
10. "How Japan Affects the International System"
International Organization, Vol. 44 , No.4 (Autumn 1990), with Michèle Schmiegelow
11. "La leçon du Japon: pragmatisme stratégique"
L'Express, 6 avril 1990, with Michèle Schmiegelow
12. "Das Schuldenabkommen mit Mexiko: Wegweiser für eine Überwindung des internationalen Verschuldungsproblems?"
Aussenpolitik, Vol. 41, No. 3 (August 1990)
13. "A European View of Japan's Success: Strategic Pragmatism is the Key to Winning the Global Competition"
The International Economy (August/September 1990), with Michèle Schmiegelow
14. "How Strategic Pragmatism Can Reform Eastern Economies: Japan and Germany Provide Seven Guides to Ownership"
The International Economy (July/August 1991), with Michèle Schmiegelow
15. "Obei Ijoni Obeitekina Nihon Keizai"
Chuokoron Vol. 108, No.1 (January 1993), p. 72-83, with Michèle Schmiegelow
16. "Japans Strategischer Pragmatismus: Bedrohung oder Modell?"
in Hanns W. Maull (ed.), Japan und Europa: Getrennte Welten?, (Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 1993)
17. "Marktkonforme und marktfördernde Funktionen des Staates in Asien"
in Werner Draguhn (ed.), Neue Industriekulturen im pazifischen Asien: Eigenständigkeiten und Vergleichbarkeiten, (Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde: 1993)
18. "Communauté, société et éthique en démocratie"
Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée, Vol. 2, No 2 (September 1995)
19. "Community, Society and Ethics in Democracy"
in Michèle Schmiegelow ed., Democracy in Asia, (Frankfurt and New York: Campus, 1997)
20. "Kampf der Kulturen oder interkultureller Dialog? Aussenpolitik im 21. Jahrhundert"
in: Günter Schucher, Asien unter Globalisierungsdruck, Politische Kulturen zwischen Tradition und Moderne, Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde, 2000)
21. “Das Deutschlandjahr in Japan”
JDZB Echo 2005
22. “Butsurigaku - Karei naru shiko-sakugo itonami” (Physics – the business of turning trial and error into splendor
Pariti Butsurikagakuzasschi (Parity Physical Science Magazine,Tokyo) Vol. 20 No 5, p. 5
23. “Germany Committed  to UN Reform“
International Herald Tribune / Asahi Shimbun, June 30, 2005
24. "Doitsu to Nihon: Sekai no Shibiru Pawa" (Germany and Japan as Civil Powers)
Aoyama Kokusai Seikei Ronshu (The Aoyama Journal of International Politics, Tokyo), No 68, January 2006, pp.
25. “The German Year in Japan 2005-2006”
Japan Spotlight, 147th Issue (May/June 2006, p.48
26. “How ‘Asian’ will Asia be in the 21th Century?”
Asien No. 100 (June 2006), pp. 56 ff
27. “Why Legal Transformation Assistance from Germany and Japan?”
Journal of Japanese Law, Vol. 11, No 22 (Winter 2006) pp. 5 - 37
28. “Asiens künftige Rolle als Ordnungsmacht”
Internationale Politik, Vol. 62, No.7/8 (July/August 2007), pp. 66-72
29. “Asia’s International Order”
Internationale Politik Global Edition, Vol 8 (Fall 2007), pp 17-22
30. “The Road to an Asian Community”
Internationale Politik Global Edition, Vol. 8, No. 4 (Winter 2007), p. 10-17, with Michèle Schmiegelow
31. “Gullivers Fesseln: die Welt als Problemlösungsgemeinschaft”
Internationale Politik, Vol. 63. No. 7-8 July/August 2008, pp 18-26, with Michèle Schmiegelow
32. “Gulliver's Shackles”
Internationale Politik Global Edition, Vol. 9, No.4 (Winter 2008), p. 54-61, with Michèle Schmiegelow


Order of the Sacred Treasure III (Japan)

Masayoshi Ohira Memorial Prize for "Strategic Pragmatism, Japanese Lessons in the Use of Economic Theory" (New York, Praeger: 1989) together with Michèle Schmiegelow

Order of the Rising Sun, with Ribbon (Japan)

Federal Order of Merit, First Class (Germany)

Knight Commander of St Michael and St George (United Kingdom)

Commander of the Légion d'Honneur (France)

Commander's Cross of the Federal Order of Merit (Germany)

Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun with Star (Japan)
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