1. "Globale Dimensionen der Beziehung USA-Japan" (Henrik Schmiegelow)
Aussenpolitik Vol 37, Nr.3 (1986), pp. 222-38.
2. Strategic Pragmatism: Japanese Lessons in the Use of Economic Theory (Henrik Schmiegelow und Michèle Schmiegelow)
(New York: Praeger, 1989), 212 p.
3. "Japans Wirtschaft und die westliche Theorie: Herausforderung und Übereinstimmung" (Michèle Schmiegelow)
in M. Schmiegelow (Ed.), Japans Antwort auf Krisen und Wandel in der Weltwirtschaft, (Hamburg: McGraw Hill, 1989 pp. 323-410.
4. "The Revisionists Aren't Looking Beneath The Surface" (Henrik Schmiegelow and Michèle Schmiegelow)
International Herald Tribune (January 31st, 1990)
5. "Economics: The Lesson from Japan" (Henrik Schmiegelow and Michèle Schmiegelow)
International Herald Tribune (February 1st, 1990).
6. "Pragmatisme stratégique: la leçon du Japon" (Henrik Schmiegelow et Michèle Schmiegelow)
LeVif/L'Express (April 12, 1990).
7. "How Japan Affects the International System" (Michèle Schmiegelow)
International Organization (Vol 44, N° 4, Autumn 1990), with Henrik Schmiegelow, pp. 553-88
8. "A European View of Japan's Success: Strategic Pragmatism is the Key to Winning the Global Competition" (Henrik Schmiegelow and Michèle Schmiegelow)
The International Economy (August/September 1990)
9. "Das Schuldenabkommen mit Mexiko: Wegweiser für eine Überwindung des internationalen Verschuldungsproblems?" (Henrik Schmiegelow)
Aussenpolitik, Vol. 41 , No. 3 (August 1990)
10. Nihon no Kyokun: Senryakuteki Parugamatisumu no Seiko (Henrik Schmiegelow and Michèle Schmiegelow)
(revised and augmented edition of Strategic Pragmatism in Japanese, transl. by Koei Narusawa and Hiroshii Shimbo (Tokyo: Toyo Keizai Shinposha, 1991), 332 p.
11. "Japan Between Platonian Closure and Socratian Openness" (Michèle Schmiegelow)
Leviathan, The Japanese Journal of Political Science, Vol. 10; Special Issue 1992, p. 106
12. "Obei Ijoni Obeitekina Nihon Keizai" (More Western than the West) (Henrik Schmiegelow and Michèle Schmiegelow)
Chuokoron, Vol. 108, No.1 (January 1993) p. 72-83
13. "Marktkonforme und marktfördernde Funktionen des Staates in Asien" (Henrik Schmiegelow)
in Werner Draguhn (Ed.), Neue Industriekulturen im pazifischen Asien: Eigenständigkeiten und Vergleichbarkeiten, (Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde: 1993)
14. "Industrial Policy in Western Europe, the United States and Japan: History, Theory and Recent Practice" (Michèle Schmiegelow)
Nihon Keizai (September 7, 1993)
15. "Dépression ou révolution industrielle?" (Michèle Schmiegelow)
Le Vif/L'Express (30 December 1993), p.16.
16. "'Asian' Capitalism: Explanation for both Success and Failure?" (Michèle Schmiegelow)
Asien, January 1999.
17. "Senriaku teki puragumatisumu ni tachi kaere: Nihon keizai e no shohosen" (Come back to Strategic Pragmatism: the prescription for the Japanese Economy) (Michèle Schmiegelow)
Tokyo: JCER (Japan Center for Economic Research) Bulletin, 1/10/2002, N°895, pp.4-10.
18. "Which Recipe for the Japanese Economy?" (Michèle Schmiegelow)
Asien, N° 87, April 2003, pp.78-86
19. “Gulliver's Shackles”
Internationale Politik Global Edition, Vol. 9, No.4 (Winter 2008), p. 54-61, with Michèle Schmiegelow
20. “Seikai Keizai Kiki no Dasshutsu no kagi wa Ajia to Oushu (The International Economic Crisis : Amerikan Origins, Global Effects, Asian and European Solutions)” (Henrik Schmiegelow)
Chuokoron (Tokyo) Bd. 124, No 8 (August 2009), pp. 152-161

1. Monetary and exchange rate policy
2. Fiscal policy
3. Industrial policy
4. Technology policy
5. Structural policy
6. Development policy
7. Location policy
8. Competition policy
9. Economic legal policy
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